Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Global Warming (including Videos) - Natural Disasters of 2010

Mean surface temperature change for the period...Image via Wikipedia(Purposefully duplicate post on Sometimes On The Edge© - News and Entertainment and Dark Ages 2.0+©).

It seems quite incredible that modern educated people still do not believe that global warming is occurring, largely a result of human activities:

Much of this, I am convinced, is just that people do not understand exponential mathematics:

YouTube Video: This is What Global Warming looks like.

See Video about understand exponential mathematics: The mathematics of the growth for climate change, energy use, food consumption and overpopulation, Global Warming in the index of Dark Ages 2.0+©

See also Video (the similar thing – different presenter): The Test Tube with David Suzuki - The Test Tube testtube.nfb.ca, from 100 and more great Scuba Diving and Snorkel Diving Adventures in British Columbia, Canada , Scuba diving in the Index of Sometimes On The Edge© - News and Entertainment

  1. Fertilizer and pesticide use has been increasing worldwide and there is increasing evidence that this results in spread of oxygen-starved dead zones that cannot sustain life. Aquatic and marine dead zones can be caused by an increase in chemical nutrients (particularly nitrogen and phosphorus) in the water, known as eutrophication. Spanish researchers also recently found that many species die off at oxygen levels well above what is now considered uninhabitable, suggesting that the extent of dead zones in coastal areas is greater than previously known. Dead zones are caused by excess nitrogen from farm fertilizers, factory and vehicle emissions, sewage and other pollution runoff 1. This exacerbates the problem of world hunger, since their are fewer fish to fish, in both interior and coastal areas.

  2. Feverish fires, with the soaring temperatures reduce crop yields and the release carbon dioxides,(CO2). The global warming gas and smoke, which reduces crop yields and contributes even further to the problem. (“An increased number of forest fires can exacerbate drought episodes by reducing rainfall. Smoke particles absorb solar heat, robbing convective currents of the energy they need to transport water vapor upward, and thus interfering with the cycle that generates rainfall in the region”.)

  3. Global Desertification Threatens Food Security with Worldwide Climate Change Record High Temperatures in the continental U.S. This has been the warmest year on record. And we're likely in store for more next year. "Heat waves and extreme drought will increase with climate change", UN agency says. Droughts in Russia caused by record heat forced the government to decide that it would not allow the export of any wheat this year, causing shortages and putting pressure on the world's limited food resources.

  4. Heavy rain and floods in China, Pakistan and the United States are destroying crops, putting additional pressure on the world's limited food resources.

  5. Heavy rain in many areas of Canada and the United States mid-west 'bread-basket'; major world source for grains (barley, corn, oats, wheat) have restricted supply. In the central prairie provinces of Alberta, Manitoba and Saskatchewan, and in the US Midwest, it was so wet in the spring that it was near impossible to plant. (See also: America's Breadbasket Moves to Canada? - NYTimes.com), In the fall of 2010 much of the limited crop that was planted is still unripened. In the north, if it is not ripe before the potentially killing frosts, many farmers will not get much, if any, crop harvested, at all.

  6. Massive ice melts in the arctic (and antarctic) are already causing an increase in ocean levels and flooding in some coastal areas (Indonesia, Thailand, and Bangladesh), destroying crops and even putting even furthering pressure on the world's limited food resources. It is not only small island states that need to worry about sea level rise. More than 70 percent of the world's population lives on coastal plains, and 11 of the world's 15 largest cities are on the coastal estuaries. Over the 20th century sea levels rose approximately 4.8-8.8 inches (12-22 cm) during the last century. The IPCC puts predictions of 21st century sea level rise at 9 to 88 cm. There are many variables - including how much the expected increase in precipitation will add to snow packs and, most importantly, our greenhouse gas emissions over the next decades. What we do know is that even a small amount of sea level rise will have profound negative effects. Sea level is rising along most of the U.S. coast, and around the world. In the last century, sea level rose 5 to 6 inches more than the global average along the Mid-Atlantic and Gulf Coasts, because coastal lands there are subsiding. East Antarctica’s massive ice sheets, which scientists believed to be relatively unaffected by global warming, have been melting at an accelerating rate since 2002, according to a new study.

  7. Overpopulation (referenced above, and below) and exponentially increasing populations in the world are making world hunger an increasing imperative.

  8. Soil degradation and failing yields is increasing the problem. Source: Causes of Hunger are related to Poverty — Global Issues

  9. Weeds and insects will change their range. In the Midwest (in both Canada and the United States) climate has already become wetter and warmer”, said Gene Takle, an atmospheric scientist at Iowa State University. ” - Source: New Weather Patterns Threaten U.S. Breadbasket, By Perry Beeman, IPS.

Other sources:

1 100 and more great Scuba Diving and Snorkel Diving Adventures in British Columbia, Canada from Sometimes On The Edge© - News and Entertainment

2 Food Security Threatened from index item “Food” in Dark Ages 2.0+©

3 Climate change around the world – BBC.UK

4 ipcc – the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change is the leading body for the assessment of climate change, established by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) to provide the world with a clear scientific view on the current state of climate change and its potential environmental and socio-economic consequences.)t

5 Vegetation Condition images for the United States based on NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index) are available for viewing at this site.


Other articles from: Dark Ages 2.0+© [http://www.darktime2.com/]

Label (Index) Climate change, Desertification, Environment, Food, Global warming, Overpopulation in Dark Ages 2.0+© & Environment in Sometimes On The Edge© - News and Entertainment


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1 comment:

  1. It's hard to believe those who deny that climate change has been influenced, and made worse, by the activities of humans.


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